大胆的. 独特的. 圣经.
一个原理方法® -宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特县的12基督教学校




Daysp环 Christian Academy (DCA) believes that students should honor the Lord while advancing their education through the acquisition of computer knowledge and skills. 因此, each student bears the responsibility of self-government in accordance with biblical standards when using a computing device. 使用电子设备是一种特权, not a right; thus, 不恰当地使用电脑的学生将招致后果.

DCA认为,家庭使用技术是由父母管理, 但是,当学生掌控学校的时候, DCA reserves the right to govern any and all technology used on school grounds or at school functions under the mandate of CIPA, 《儿童互联网保护法. 为此目的, DCA will monitor the use of all devices on school premises and at school through a variety of means including but not limited to: filtration software, 防火墙, 随机筛选, 还有其他方法.


为了开发相关的技术项目,DCA制定了1:1的Google Chromebook政策. This policy is a privilege for students of grades K-12* who are in good standing with the school and have signed the 可接受使用政策 (AUP). 为此目的, 针对在学校场地或学校活动中使用的个人设备制定了具体规则. 请参阅Chromebook策略.

K-7年级的学生被分配到他们自己的个人Chromebook,以便在学校使用. Chromebooks for these grades are stored on a charging cart or charging stand at the school and are expected to be returned on a daily basis. Chromebook在这些年级的使用是由老师直接指导的. 8-12年级的学生有自己的Chromebook,每天都要带回家. Students in grades 8-12 should charge their Chromebooks at home and report for school each morning with a charged Chromebook. (*视情况而定)


In accordance with our own procedures and policies as well as CIPA and COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) DCA will provide only limited individual identifiable information to external service providers for each student as is necessary for the furtherance of his or her education. 请在这张表格下面签名, DCA is authorized to create those accounts that are deemed helpful to the educational process for the student. A complete list of all current accounts is available upon request as well as a description of each account service.


任何种类的移动设备,包括但不限于, 手机, “智能”设备(如手表), 眼镜, 环, 等), 热点, 相机, 笔记本电脑, 上网本, ipod或mp3播放器, 平板电脑和掌上电脑, 必须关闭,并且在每天7:50的时间内不允许在任何学生的身上.m. 到下午3点.m.

所有学生必须使用DCA学生网络和为学生提供的设备. The use of another wireless network or mobile network (3g/4g/5g data plans) or personal device (without prior administrative approval) will constitute a breaking of the AUP, 请参阅下面的后果部分. Students are not to attempt to connect to any faculty or staff network or any other network while at school other than the one designated for students which is preconfigured on each assigned Chromebook. 8-12年级的学生可以在父母允许的情况下在家庭无线网络上使用该设备.

尽管学校为每个学生提供了一个设备, 教师仍然支配着技术的使用. 因此, 学生必须得到指导老师或管理人员的许可才能使用任何设备. 这是每个使用实例的要求.

It is the DCA expectation that the download and subsequent installation of software is legal in nature and monitored by the parents of the students. DCA reserves the right to review the software installed on any device and remove inappropriate content and programs from student devices.

在任何时间点, 老师可以向学生提出要求, 他或她的设备, 在这一点上,任何教师都可以评估开放文件和程序是否遵守这一政策. 在任何时间点, 管理员可以向学生提出要求, 他或她的个人设备, 此时,管理员可以评估设备的所有内容,即使设备未打开.


学生们被要求保持一个反映基督教见证的网络存在. 任何形式的网络欺凌, 无论是在学校还是在外面, 无论是在学校设备上还是在个人设备上, 将被视为违反AUP的行为. 如果你是网络欺凌的受害者,或者观察到别人正在遭受网络欺凌, 你应该立即向你的老师/校长报告这种情况. Activities performed on the school network and on school devices are monitored and discoverable by the school. 这包括电子邮件, 网络历史记录, 搜索, 存储在Google Drive中的内容, 以及在Chromebook上输入程序的内容.


在上学期间, 学生不得访问以下内容:游戏, 社交媒体, 发短信的软件, 博客(由管理部门或教师根据具体情况设置排除), 即时通讯和任何教师或管理员定义的任何其他程序类型. 仅仅因为一个网站没有被过滤并不意味着它是可以接受访问在学校的一天. Just so there is complete clarity: playing games on your Chromebook at school will result in the progressive consequences outlined in this policy.

学生在校期间不得查看任何个人电子邮件账户. 为学生提供一个账户,供他们在课堂和课程活动中使用(6-12年级).
学生必须限制使用指定的电子邮件地址用于学校相关的活动. 所有课程作业和与DCA工作人员的通信必须通过学校提供的电子邮件帐户完成. The contents of any and all emails sent from a DCA-provided email account may be reviewed at the discretion of the administration. 家长可以根据要求访问学生账户.

DCA expects that students will vigilantly refrain from the visitation of sites not befitting the gospel to which we have been called as Christians.

学生不得规避, 逆向工程, 黑客, 否则就会损害学校过滤方法的完整性, 技术基础设施(网络), 服务器, 等)或其他学生帐户/设备. 这些项目将包括在上述声明中, 严禁使用代理服务器或VPN服务.

学生不得进入, 改变, or duplicate any other person’s personal files as this is a violation of DCA plagiarism rules as well as Federal Law.



学生不得安装, 未经学校许可和指示,修改或删除学校安装的任何软件.


学生有责任妥善保存自己的作业. 为此目的, students who have signed the AUP are provided with an email account and Google Drive account to store their work and files. Do not save your work on the devices themselves as this data cannot be backed up or restored in the event of a device failure.

Students are expected to properly log off and/or shut down the device they are working on when their work is completed or when their time for work is ended.

学生应以关怀和尊重的态度对待DCA的财产. 学生不应将chromebook用作文件文件夹,因为这会损坏设备.

学生在选择将文件下载到他们的设备时,应该保持高度的意识. 下载非法或非法材料将被视为违反AUP.

Students may not record classes in any form without the express written permission of the instructor and the school administration.

The contents of any recording may be subject to random or periodic 搜索ing at the discretion of the administration. Any approved recording may not be shared without express permission from the instructor and school administration.

Students are not allowed the use of any camera or video recording device without express written permission from the administration. 这包括网络摄像头设备.


DCA保留对其网络、场地和活动的全部权力. The consequence of any action taken by a student which is in violation of the AUP relieves DCA from any culpability as an entity. 滥用技术的全部责任由学生承担.

违反任何这些规则将导致适当的纪律处分. 给高年级学生的, DCA将对电子设备违规行为实行三振政策.

罢工1: 设备将由工作人员没收并交给校长. 校长将在一天结束时将设备归还给学生,并在Renweb上做记录.

罢工2:设备将由工作人员没收并交给校长. 校长只会将设备归还给必须到学校取回的家长.

罢工3: 除罢工外,还有 & (二)暂停技术的期限由委托人决定. 在此期间, 学生将不能在学校使用任何学校或个人电子设备. 所有的数字工作将要么手工完成,要么离开学校.


Chromebook保险包含在6-12年级的学费中. 这份保险包括意外损坏、盗窃和故意破坏. 大多数意外破裂的原因包括:水/液体损坏, 书包破损, 力量激增, 宠物的伤害, 落下又落下, 等. We use an outside insurance company to manage these claims so acceptance of the claim is ultimately at their discretion. 这里列出的可能原因并不全面. 如果设备只是丢失或放错地方,则不包括在内. It is the responsibility of the student to keep track of their Chromebook and charger and to return it in good condition at the end of the year. 此外,它是
学生有责任在事故或问题发生时立即报告Chromebook. 未能在合理的时间内报告事故可能导致索赔被拒绝. 事故和问题应直接报告给IT经理.

K-5年级的学生没有Chromebook保险, 然而, 因为他们对设备的使用受到更多的限制和直接监督, 任何事故的发生率在统计上都要低得多. Any accidents with their Chromebooks are handled on a case-by-case basis with parents only being held responsible for damages in cases of observed intentional neglect or vandalism of another student’s device.

It is the responsibility of students to take appropriate steps to secure and care for their personal technological devices as well as those assigned to them. 学校对丢失或被盗物品不承担任何责任. 储物柜的锁可根据校长的要求提供.


阅读我们的全文 chromebook -政策- 2023 - 24

通过我们的 Chromebooks-FAQ

让您的学生阅读,签名,并通过以下链接返回我们的2023-2024 AUP表格:

〇高中 http://forms.gle/Dri9oyKqxFei4n2D6

初中- http://forms.gle/w9X1Yk2BwGhd361h8
